




  This series of books teach the word families in a fun, engaging way with stories and activities. As teaching the young children, this will help students start the very beginning reading, especially get the sense of sounds and words. Each lesson covers a word family story and followed by exercises to help students to:

  ●recognize word patterns and common phonetic sounds;
  ●build the vocabulary and improve spelling skills;
  ●learn to read and understand stories;
  ●enhance oral reading fluency and have fun!



楊耀琦 Archie Yang

  美國University of New Haven 教育研究所


  「引導式英文寫作」、「From Phonics to RT 1、2、3」、「Super Phonics 1、2」、「Sight Words to Reading 1、2」、「Sight Words to Reading 1、2」、「Sight Words字卡(220張字卡+教案說明)」、「唱歌謠。唸韻文。讀劇本系列(共五冊+5AVCD)」、「讀者劇場Easy Show」、「繪本讀劇」…等三十多本

楊峰 Ian Yang


  杭州Reading Lab 童說閱讀工作室課程指導教師
  杭州探客戶外用品有限公司 跨境事業部 北美市場總經理


How to Use This Book

Unit 1
-ack Word Family
Jack, Mack, and Zack

Unit 2
-ake Word Family
Bake a Cake for the Snake

Unit 3
-ay Word Family
Hooray for Today

Unit 4
-et Word Family
Bret Gets a Pet

Unit 5
-eep Word Family
The Dog and the Sheep

Unit 6
-ark Word Family
Bark in the Dark

Reader’s Theater  
Hooray for Today

Word List



  Word Families? What/Why/When/How?

  What are word families? They are groups of words that have a common feature or pattern. They have the same letter combinations, a similar sound, and they're a wonderful tool for those new to spelling. For example, at, cat, hat, and fat are a family of words with the "at" sound and letter combination in common. But, that understanding can be built upon, when you consider how many other words belong to the "at" family. From "bat", “cat”, students can advance to tougher words, such as “combat” and “copycat”. How does it work in reading? Take “at” word family for example:

  A cat
  A fat cat
  A fat on the mat
  A fat cat sat on the mat with a bat

  Word families help students learn to read, while building their vocabulary. Being able to recognize patterns and common phonetic sounds is the foundation for strong spelling skills. Of course, not every word in the English language can be sounded out, but this is an ideal place to start.

  According to the National Council of Teachers of English, there are 37 common word families that come out 500 words. The 37 most common word families in English are: ack, ain, ake, ale, all, ame, an, ank, ap, ash, at, ate, aw, ay, eat, ell, est, ice, ick, ide, ight, ill, in, ine, ing, ink, ip, it, ock, oke, op, ore, ot, uck ,ug, ump, unk.

  Many of the nursery rhymes contain common word families. You can use these rhymes to teach these letter combinations (and how they are spelled and spoken), having the students sound them out after memorizing the rhyme. For example, the words away, day and play which belong to “ay” word family in the kid song “Rain, Rain, Go away”.

  Rain, rain, go away  
  Come again another day
  Little Johnny wants to play
  Rain, rain, go away

  As we can see, all of these rhyming words make the song much easier to read and sing. It’s one of the best ways to help kids start to read. Students can use the website to look for more words that belong to word families. (

  The stories and activities in this series of books teach the 24 most common word families in a fun, engaging way. As teaching the young children, we hope this will help students to start the very beginning reading, especially to get the sense of sounds and the words. When children begin to read, they must sound out every letter.

  Through the activities from the book, we can see how word family patterns help children's spelling. They are able to recognize spelling patterns and apply these to other words of the same family. When learning families of words, children are able to read familiar patterns of letters quickly and fluently. Every child learns differently. Doing word family activities is a great way to involve kids' whole bodies to reach kids of many different learning styles, and help struggling learners as well.


  • ISBN:9789869753845
  • 叢書系列:
  • 規格:平裝 / 84頁 / 19 x 26 x 1 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:> >



每天下班後,朋友們的消遣是什麼?是躺在床上玩手機還是讓自己的身體動起來?上班時,很長時間的久坐,肌肉已經處於疲勞狀態,如果繼續坐著或者躺著,使這種疲勞越發變得嚴重,同時也不利於全身血液的正常循環,導致我們晚間的睡眠質量降低,讓身體處於亞健康狀態。 ... 臀部肌群包括臀中肌,它的對稱肌群就是我們腿部的內收肌,內收肌在運動中,對臀中肌起著重要的制約和促進作用,同時髖屈肌也會對臀中肌進行干涉,所以臀部肌群和腿部肌群有著很大的練習,如果練腿也會牽帶著鍛鍊臀部,相反練腿也會練到腿部。 ... 臀腿鍛鍊的好處? 1、加強鍛鍊,提臀瘦腿打造美感身材。 2、促進下肢血液的循環,更好地提高生長激素的分泌,有利於肌肉的增長。 3、經過臀腿的鍛鍊,一是促進了臀腿部肌肉的血液循環,加快了體內的新陳代謝,減少了垃圾的堆積,其二產生大量的熱量,這些熱量燃燒臀腿部多餘的脂肪,起到減脂的效果。 提臀瘦腿減小腹的前提條件 在臀腿的鍛鍊中,首先要處理好熱量和消耗之間的關係,只有攝入量低於消耗量,才能起到減脂減肥的效果,所以在開始動作鍛鍊之前,首先我們要控制飲食,保證熱量攝入和消耗在持恆狀態,然後通過運動,製造熱量缺口,才能達到減脂塑形的目的。 ... 如何有效鍛鍊? 動作一:臀橋 ... ▪ 身體仰躺在地面上,雙臂放在身體兩側,手掌心朝下,雙腿屈膝全腳掌著地,保持臀部以上部位緊貼在地面上 ▪ 收緊腹部肌肉,臀部和腿部肌肉發力,使下背部和臀部離開地面,保持肩部、胸部、腹部和膝蓋在同一個平面內 ▪ 最高點停留動作幾秒,最大限度地收縮臀部和腿部肌肉 ▪ 然後有控制地放下臀部回到起點,重複 ▪ 建議做3-4組,每組做15-20次,組間休息30秒 動作二:平板支撐後踢腿 ... ▪ 身體呈平板支撐姿勢,雙手握拳直立在肩部下方,雙臂屈肘,上臂和地面垂直,雙腿屈膝,保持大腿和小腿接近垂直 ▪ 收緊腹部肌肉,臀部和腿部收縮發力,使一側腿向上伸直抬起 ▪ 頂峰收縮幾秒,然後還原,練習腿不要放在地上,接著抬腿繼續練習 ▪ 做3-4組,每組做12-15次,組間休息30秒 動作三:拳支撐直臂後踢腿 ... ▪ 身體俯臥,雙手握拳支撐身體,雙臂伸直,雙腿屈膝跪在地面上,膝關節處的夾角接近90度 ▪ 收緊腹部肌肉,保持身體的穩定,臀部和腿部肌肉收緊,一側腿向上伸直抬起 ▪ 最高點頂峰收縮幾秒,然後還原重複動作 ▪ 訓練強度各做2-3組,每組各做15-20次,組間休息30秒 動作四:拳支撐伸髖後踢腿 ... ▪ 身體拳支撐,雙腿屈膝跪在地上,雙臂伸直,收緊核心肌群 ▪ 臀肌和腿部肌肉發力,使單側腿做側面展髖向上抬腿動作 ▪ 最大極限收縮幾秒,然後還原,換腿重複 ▪ 單邊做3-4組,每組做8-10次,組間休息30秒 動作五:單腿臀橋 ... ▪ 身體臀橋姿勢,小腿接近垂直地面 ▪ 收緊核心肌群,臀部和腿部肌肉發力,使單側腿伸直向上抬起,同時臀部和下背部離地 ▪ 停留幾秒鐘,然後放下臀部和練習腿回到起點,重複動作 ▪ 單邊各做2-3組,每組做6-10次,組間休息30秒 動作六:俯臥屈膝抬臀 ... ​▪ 身體俯臥,雙臂屈肘重疊在頭部下方,單側腿向下伸直,另一條腿屈膝,保證大腿和小腿垂直,臀部以上部位緊貼在地面上 ▪ 收緊臀部肌肉,使練習腿向上抬起 ▪ 最高點保持幾秒,然後還原重複 ▪ 單邊做2-3組,每組做6-8次,組間休息30秒 注意事項 以上6個動作,注意收緊核心,能夠更好地刺激臀腿上的肌肉,當然在鍛鍊過程中,腹部的肌肉也會得到鍛鍊,產生的熱量會燃燒腹部脂肪,能夠起到減肚子的效果。














田尾恐慌改善中醫診所 國姓鄉長期頭暈改善中醫診所 問診詳細有耐心的彰化中醫診所,睡眠障礙改善很多集集睡眠障礙門診看什麼科 社頭便秘或腹瀉治療中醫 網友都推薦到這間草屯中醫診所,失眠睡不著改善很多溪湖發燙感中醫推薦 埔里頭痛看什麼科 治療效果不錯的彰化中醫診所,睡眠障礙改善很多芳苑消化功能異常看什麼科 和美睡眠品質變差治療有效中醫診所 網友都推薦到這間草屯中醫診所,失眠睡不著改善很多

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